
PRESS RELEASE: Ada County Republican Central Committee Concludes Successful Reorganization Meeting

Boise, ID — The Ada County Republican Central Committee (ACRCC) held its biennial reorganization meeting Wednesday evening at Boise Centre in downtown Boise, where nine central committee officers were elected and 105 delegates and 105 alternates were elected to represent the ACRCC at the Idaho Republican State Convention next month in Coeur d’Alene.

Each officer race featured two candidates seeking the position, and each race was voted individually by secret ballot. The officers elected were Chairman Thad Butterworth, 1st Vice Chair Ryan Spoon, 2nd Vice Chair Phil Reynolds, 3rd Vice Chair Vicky McIntyre, Treasurer Sam Boyd, Secretary Colette Costello, State Committeeman Mike Hon, State Committeewoman Cheryl Hurd, and State Committee Youth Chair Ashley Mujagic.

“I want to commend the committee members for their participation and dedication,” said ACRCC Chairman Thad Butterworth. “The majority stayed until nearly midnight to complete the work of electing officers and approving our delegates and alternates. It was a long process, but it was a successful meeting.”

The list of delegates and alternates was prepared by the delegate selection committee and was approved unanimously by the body.

The ACRCC will meet for its regular monthly meeting at the beginning of June. The IDGOP State Convention will be June 13th-15th.