
PRESS RELEASE: Ada County Republican Party passes Resolution regarding Idaho State Rep. 21A James Petzke

Fellow Republicans, at the monthly Ada County Republican Central Committee meeting held on April 4th, 2024, the central committee voted to pass the following Resolution regarding the disapproval of the actions of Idaho State Representative 21A James Petzke


WHEREAS Representative James Petzke represents Legislative District 21, a district wholly contained within Ada County, and;

WHEREAS Representative James Petzke is currently a member of the Idaho Legislature’s Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee (JFAC), and;

WHEREAS Representative James Petzke is a member of the Idaho Republican Party and an elected official from that party, and;

WHEREAS Article 1 of the Idaho Republican Party Platform clearly states that it supports and promotes fiscal responsibility, limited government, and lower taxes, and;

WHEREAS Representative James Petzke declared in a campaign filing statement to the Republican Party in 2022 that he would take “a strong fiscally-conservative approach to government”, and;

WHEREAS after previously indicating support for the budget reform process in JFAC, Representative James Petzke waited until JFAC Co-Chair Rep. Wendy Horman was out sick on February 2, 2024 to join with Democrats to derail the budget reform process, and;

WHEREAS Representative James Petzke was the ONLY Republican legislator from Ada County to vote against the budget reform process and vote to pass rival, much larger budgets on February 2, 2024 and;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ada County Republican Central Committee (ACRCC) declares its strong disapproval of the actions of Representative James Petzke, and;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ada County Republican Central Committee declares its support for the budget reform process currently being pursued by Republican leaders in JFAC, and;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ada County Republican Central Committee supports any action which other entities or committees within the Idaho Republican Party may choose to bring against Representative James Petzke in order to defend and promote conservative Republican Party values and the Idaho Republican Party Platform.