
PRESS RELEASE: ACRCC Elects Priscilla Giddings 3rd Vice Chair, Passes Resolution Opposing Ranked Choice Voting

Boise, ID — At a special meeting held Thursday prior to its regular monthly meeting, the Ada County Republican Central Committee (ACRCC) elected Priscilla Giddings as the committee’s new 3rd Vice Chair. Giddings was the only candidate seeking the position and was elected by acclamation.

The primary responsibility of the 3rd Vice Chair is fundraising.

During the regular monthly meeting, the ACRCC adopted a “Resolution to Condemn Ranked Choice Voting (Proposition 1) on the November 2024 Ballot”.

The resolution included a dozen “whereas” clauses stating reasons for the committee’s opposition including “the grassroots activists of the Idaho Republican Party at many levels have repeatedly made it clear that they oppose Ranked Choice Voting (RCV);” “implementing Proposition 1 in Idaho… may cost $25-40 million to update or replace voting machines and over $3.5 million for voter education;” and “Proposition 1 proponents seek to abolish party primaries, which violates the rights of voters to organize and nominate candidates who share their values.”

The resolution further states that the ACRCC “condemns and rejects the implementation of Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) and similar schemes” and “urges voters to reject Proposition 1 on the November 2024 ballot.”

The resolution also calls on Congress, the Idaho legislature, and voters to “oppose RCV in every locality and level of government.”

The resolution calls on the Precinct Committeemen who make up the committee to “affirm their support for traditional primary election systems and opposition to RCV or identify areas of disagreement.”

Finally, the resolution calls on the Chairman of the ACRCC to send a copy of the resolution to the Idaho State Republican Party, the Idaho Governor, the Idaho Secretary of State, and the Idaho Attorney General.